
1 match voor “civic friendship”.


Kwartiermaken, creating space for otherness - Doortje Kal

A good society is more than just a private affair - Jef van Eijken, Hans van Ewijk, Harrie Staatsen (ed.)

Background In their book Arbeidsrehabilitatie in een vernieuwde geestelijke gezondheidszorg , Jaap van Weeghel and Jacques Zeelen (1990) introduce the concept of kwartiermaken. They define this concept as the efforts aimed at visualizing, making accessible and, if needed, adapting social work situations. In my opinion this concept also applies to other situations. It is about making (work- or other) places suitable not just for the individual client, but likewise setting out a collective environment strategy for the humanization of work or of society as a whole.

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